Become a Mezi Affiliate today!

Spread the word about Mezi and get paid for it.


Earn money by referring people to Mezi

No earnings limit

Refer as many people as you like to Mezi and earn without limits.

Low payout threshold

Earn $20 to be paid out via your preferred payment method.

Recurring income

Mezi pays a recurring affiliate income, allowing you to build a quality source of income.

Competitive rate

Mezi pays 20% of the net subscription amount (after LemonSqueezy fees).

How it works

Joining the Mezi Affiliate Program is easy and free
Step 1: Apply to become an affiliate
The first step is to apply to become an affiliate at Lemon Squeezy is our merchant of record; the folks who handle our payment processing.
Step 2: Join the Mezi Affiliate Program
Next, apply to be a Mezi affiliate here - If we deem your submission appropriate, we will accept you within 24 hours.
Step 3: Start earning!
You will be notified by email if you are successfully accepted into the program. You can then start earning by referring people to Mezi.

Terms and Conditions

  • Lemonsqueezy's payouts are on NET30 terms to account for refunds and chargebacks. For example, commissions generated in January would be paid out on March 15th (NET30).
  • Minimum $20 threshold required to be paid
  • Affiliates agree not to run paid ads to promote their affiliate links without written consent from Mezi.
  • Affiliates agree not to sign up for Mezi using their own affiliate links
  • Mezi may terminate any affiliate for any reason at any time.
  • These affiliate terms may be updated at any time without written communication - although we will do our best to communicate such changes via email.
  • Affiliates agree may not claim to act on behalf of Mezi, or be associated with Mezi in any other capacity other than as an affiliate of our product(s).
  • Affiliates should only use Mezi-approved branding elements, including: Ad creative & logos.
  • Affiliates may promote/market Mezi on their: blogs, social channels, email newsletters/lists, and directories.

Join us today and start earning!